Providing You With Information to Help You Make More Informed Financial Decisions

Acumen Wealth Advisors believes in the value and power of education. We routinely deliver relevant information, so you may make informed decisions on important financial matters. One of Acumen’s educational tools is our newsletter, Market Insights. We encourage you to sign up for Market Insights to stay up to date with changes in current economic conditions and learn more about our firm’s perspective and investment strategies.

Financial Planning

Medicare Premiums and Income Levels

Many Medicare beneficiaries are surprised by their high Medicare premiums whether they are an…

Financial Planning

Inherited IRA Planning

The 2019 SECURE Act updated rules previously allowing inherited IRA distributions to be extended…

Acumen’s Community Involvement

Urban League of Chattanooga Celebrates 40 Years!

It was a great morning to celebrate the Urban League Chattanooga’s 40th Anniversary! CEO Candy…

Acumen’s Community Involvement

Hunter Museum’s Silent Auction at Spectrum a Success!

Amazing first night of Spectrum at the silent auction supporting the Hunter Museum of American…

Acumen’s Community Involvement

“Adopt a Meal” Prep at the Ronald McDonald House

Our teammates got together for “Adopt a Meal” and prepped 50 meals for families staying at the…

Acumen News

Acumen Attends Schwab’s IMPACT Conference

We learned A LOT at Schwab’s Impact conference this week! After not having a live event for…

Acumen’s Community Involvement

Proud to Support our Neighbors at the NNH Auction!

We had so much fun at the Northside Neighborhood House’s Silent Auction! We are proud to support…

Acumen’s Community Involvement

Fun Night Supporting the Kidney Foundation at Dare to Dance

We had a fantastic night watching the 15th Annual Dare to Dance event to raise needed funds for…

Business Owners

How to Design a Differentiating Benefits Package

RPAG Over the past couple of years, the so-called “Great Resignation” has led to an…

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